insurance premiums

In order to cover the claims that are payable by the fund, each members is charged a membership fee per affiliated vehicle. The fees per vehicle began at $260 in 2010 and have since been lowered to $240, $220 and $210. The Fund is proud to account that for 2017 and 2018, the membership fees have been further reduced to $195 per affiliated vehicle. Per state law, the total amount of monies paid  by each member is utilized to purchase a policy of insurance that the law requires the Fund to have. Such monies are then paid over the Hereford Insurance Company, the carrier for the fund. 

In keeping the the fund's desire for complete transparency, attached are copies of the insurance policies issued by  Hereford Insurance Company for each year from 1/1/10 through 1/1/21.

Click here for copies of the policies

balance sheet

In order to maintain full disclosure of all financial matters, the Livery Fund believes it is important to disclose the balance sheets of the Fund so the public may have all the relevant information it desires. 

Attached is a copy of the following documents

1. Balance Sheet through December 31, 2015 - Click Here for a copy

2. Balance Sheet though December 31, 2016 - Click Here for a copy

3. Balance Sheet through December 31, 2017 - Click Here for a copy

4. Balance Sheet through December 31, 2018 - Click Here for a copy


profit and loss


In order to maintain full disclosure of all financial matters, the Livery Fund believes it is important to disclose the balance sheets of the Fund so the public may have all the relevant information it desires. 

Attached is a copy of the following documents

1. Profit and Loss - Calendar Year 2013;- Click Here for a copy

2. Profit and Loss - Calendar Year 2014; - Click Here for a copy

3. Profit and Loss - Calendar Year 2015; - Click Here for a copy

4. Profit and Loss - Calendar Year, 2016; - Click Here for a copy

5. Profit and Loss - Calendar Year, 2017; - Click Here for a copy

6. Profit and Loss - Calendar Year, 2018; - Click Here for a copy

Audits and financial reviews

Attached is the Audit Report and the accompanying financial statements of New York Independent Livery Drivers Benefit Fund, Inc. (a nonprofit organization), which comprise the statement of financial position as of December 31, 2015, and the related statements of activities and changes in net assets and cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements.

Click here for a copy of the 2015 Audit Report 

Click here for a copy of the 2016 CPA Review

Click here for a copy of the 2017 CPA Review

Click here for a copy of the 2018 Audit Report 

Click here for a copy of the 2019 CPA Review

Click here for a copy of the 2020 CPA Review